Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Makes A Family And Gives Meaning To It...

Over the weekend I travelled home for a family programme, every memebr of my faily was home too, it was fun and very emotional. The atmosphere was so colourful, so lovely and the air was full of happiness and laughter. We shared so much love and care that it got me thinking about so many issues, especially what makes a family and gives meaning to it.
To me, my family means everything to me. I love every single person that makes up what I call my family and I have a very large number to reckon with :-) I'll leave that to your imagination...
Each of my family member has his/her perculiar features and character that distinguishes him/her from the other person, they have different dreams, goals and perspectives to issues and life in general, but one thing that stricks me most (and everyone that comes across my family) is the love we all have for each other. I know this is found in almost every home, but I have this belief that my family's love is the best so far as far as I can see... Yours could be the best in your own eyes... :-)
The love am talking about is so real you could touch it... I don't need to elaborate on this, I don't even know how to express what it is like ... hmmm... I believe so many of you have an inkling as to what I'm trying to say... may be you could help me do it better...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How Do We Do This... Hmmm... Let's see..

Yesterday I decided to take up an advice that had been hanging over my head for a very long time now. My friends had been advising me to create a blog page to be able to do stuffs I love doing, you know like sharing my thoughts and feelings about life issues and stuff... just so you know, I'm, a Model, Dancer, an upcoming Singer and a Fashion Designer... I love writing stuff like Poems, Short Stories and I've ventured into writing a Novel too... you know I've been very reluctant to do just that, but I woke up yesterday and had the urge and zeal to do it... so yesterday I created this blog and called it zolaworld.com, funny you know I also have a webpage with that name :-) am still working on the design though ... so I guess you have to be patient and be on the look out for that...
With this new blog which defintely will not be all that new very soon and probably will become old with time, I want to give you a peek into my soul, give you a window to see who this individual is and the things she is involved in... if it doesn't come out the way you wish it to, please bear with us and hope we improve and get better, if it comes out and appeals to your taste, you're welcome and please give your opinion how we could make it appealling to most people... you notice I said most people... :-) didn't want to say everybody because from my experience in life I've come to realize that you can never please everybody, there must be someone or some people you will never please no matter how hard you try and work on doing that, you'll only end up putting them off more... now I ask myself what do you do in that type of situation? my answer: do what you can and leave the rest to God, be real to yourself and you'll be fine... the worst thing you can do in this life is to lie to yourself and God, because both of you defintely know you'r lying even if no other person finds out, now that's killing you know; living with the feeling of guilt everyday, wishing you had done it right, that you had been real and true to yourself... not funny, no one needs that sort of misery. Not you of course. Well guess I need to leave you to digest this thought for now, let's continue later because I'm in the office and am getting distracted you know with a lot of things to do and the Boss needing your attention now and then... so talk to you soon ok... meanwhile you could let me know what you think or even suggest a subject and we'll talk about it... just know this; whatever you get from this place is as it is ... real and straight from my heart, they will not be diluted... be seeing you soon, gotta go now